
(08) 6302 3287
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41 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Area Of Research

Our database has research material on different areas and aspect of Asia and the Pacific regions. You can search for data on a strain of topics and issues.

Society and Economy

You can find reports, research papers, monographs and more on the dynamics of the diverse communities of the Asia-Pacific. In addition, you can learn about economic growth and current conditions in different regions.

Politics and International Relations

The Asia-Pacific regions have a gamut of political parties, policies, governments, etc. Each country in the region is different from the other. This diversity makes learning about the politics and international relations of these areas more engaging.

Environment and Science

There are various environmental issues and developments for sustainability in Asian countries and the Pacific regions. Also, science is being used for expansion and growth. You can gather data and analysis on related topics.

History and Defence

The Asia-Pacific region has many countries, and each one has an extensive history and various defence policies in place for protection. You can know more about historical events, wars, plans etc. Plus, you can learn about the security measures taken by each country.

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